Z-O-O = Zoo


We’re going to the zoo, zoo, zoo!
How about you, you, you?
You can come too, too, too!
We’re going to the zoo, zoo, zoo!

See the elephant with the long trunk swinging,
Great big ears and a long trunk swinging.
Snuffing up peanuts with the long trunk swinging.
And we can stay all day!

“We’re going to the zoo, zoo, zoo!
How about you, you, you?
You can come too, too, too!
We’re going to the zoo, zoo, zoo!

8.30AM – Gather at Niwa Schoolhouse
Our little Niwa-ians arrived in school with their parents, looking all ready to spend a fun-filled and educational morning at the Singapore Zoo. As they were getting ready to set off, the teachers took the opportunity to explain the safety rules to the children. Listen up!


9.15AM – Board the Mini Coach to Singapore Zoo at Mandai
One by one, the Niwa-ians (young and old) climbed the steps and ‘hopped’ onto the mini coach. One or two little cheerful ones even greeted the bus driver with a happy ‘Good Morning!’ That surely perked up the young lad with the children’s love and warmth. Throughout the bus ride, the Niwa-ians sang merrily to many familiar tunes. Here we go!


“My papa and mei mei are going with me to the zoo.”


“Mama, do I look like you?”


“Lucky me, I got the chance to sit with my favourite teacher.”


“Tricia, smile for the camera. Are you trying to make the peace sign?”


“Hi 5 to the camera, Seven.”


“I love my mama, she is bringing me to the zoo.”


“Daddy is taking us to the zoo tomorrow……….”


“But my daddy is working.”


“My daddy too.”


“It is ok, we will go with our friends and teachers. Most importantly, we are going to learn and have fun together.”

9.45AM – Arrival at the Singapore Zoo
“Hello, Singapore Zoo, we have arrived.” The Niwa-ians could hardly contain their excitement any longer as soon as the entrance of the Singapore Zoo came into sight. They squeaked with delight and they were all ‘revving’ their ‘engines’ to dash in (literally and physically)!


“Niwa Schoolhouse at the Singapore Zoo! Say c-h-e-e-s-e!”


“I will look after Blossom and Chervelle. I am a big girl now.”


“Chervelle, I can look after you too.”


“Who will look after us then?”


“We will look after you, Little Tots. Trust us.”


“Laoshi, will you look after me please?”


“Maybe I will just walk, I have grown quite a fair bit too.”


“The queue for the tickets is so long. Let me try this puzzle.”


“Can I have a turn too please?”


‘We will just take a rest to save some energy.”

10.00AM – Walkabout at the Zoo
The little ones spent a good time exploring the Singapore Zoo on foot where they were greeted by all sorts of animals. The most amazing part was to actually observe how these children ‘interact’ with the animals. They expressed so much curiosity and passion for their animal friends. Most of them wanted to hug, touch and even ‘kiss’ the animals! Wow!

“Are you checking our tickets?”


“Hurray! We are the first group to enter the zoo.”


“Eunice, wait for me. Don’t go so fast.”


“Not too bad, we are third in place.”


“Tian Ming, wait for mama.”


“Blossom, it is our turn now! Yeah!”


“Chervelle, is this your first time at the zoo?”


“Ms. Evelyn, can you hold my hand?”


“Tricia, Ms. Jade can carry you for a while.”


“Hi 5!”


“Loooook! What animal do you think we are looing at?”


“The animals are up there, high in the trees.”


“I give you a clue, I am pretending to be that animal now.”


“Is it that animal?”


“Yes, you are right!”


“What am I?”


“I don’t know. Mama, do you know?”


“Let us go and ask Ms. Jade.”


“We know the answer.”


“I think I may know the answer too.”


“Let me tell you, it is a monkey.”


“Let’s continue the walk.”


“I have the enery to run now. Catch me if you can.”


“Laoshi, can I run with Tricia too?”

“Maybe it is safer to hold my hands.”

10.15AM – Feeding Time at the Polar Bear Enclosure
As the little Niwa-ians ‘chanced upon’ the Polar Bear Enclosure, it was feeding time or our white fur friend ‘Inuka’. They were so intrigued by this animal that they went “WOW!” with every movement made by him, such as a jump into the cold, deep water or a back stroke to glide through the water.


“Tian Ming, do you like the polar bear?”


“The show is about to start.”


“I am not sure if I like polar bear, laoshi.”


“I will probably enjoy the feeding show.”


“Seven, what about you?”


“The girls coud not get their eyes off the polar bear.”


“Chervelle, look at the camera for a while. The polar bear will still be there when you turn around.”


“LOOK! The feeding show has started.”


“The polar bear is such a good swimmer.”


“Desiree, do you like the polar bear now?”




“Thank you for visiting me.”

10.30AM – Splash Safari Show at Shaw Foundation Amphitheatre
“It’s a high-energy splash parade filled with many special moments that will tickle your funny bone and tug at your heartstrings at the same time. Get closer to the world of our amazing maritime maverick and learn about how we can all do our part to save the oceans. – Singapore Zoo”


“Blossom, let’s go and watch the Splash Safari show at Shaw Foundation Amphitheatre.”


“Wait! I want to look at the orang utans first.”


“Laoshi, will the orang utan drop from above?”


“Ms. Jade, is the orang utan peeing on us?”


“We have to run along before the Splash Safari show starts.”


“I can run very fast, Ms. Angeline.”


“Boys, let’s hurry!”


“Phew! We made it just in time!”

Now, it was the time to sit down and relax a bit while the Niwa-ians continued to get even more excited with an animal show! Each time an animal friend appeared on stage, they cheered so loudly that we believe the animal friends could hear them clearly!


“Look at the crowd!”


“No, look at the sea lion performing.”


“Ooooo…. yes!”


“Where? What did I miss?”


“Desiree, stay focus on the sea lion.”


“Is the sea lion going to jump out of the water again?”


“I think so.”


“With a blue ball on its nose!”


“Wow……. amazing!”


“Look, another trick!”


“The sea lion did it perfectly again!”

11.00AM – Tram Ride around Singapore Zoo
After a great adventure in the outoors, the best way to continue this educational field trip would be to bring the little Niwa-ians on a tram ride where they could ‘say hello’ to more of their animal friends. This was also a good chance for the children to revisit some animals that they have shown great interest in, such as the ‘monkeys’.


“We just missed a tram. We will just have to wait for another tram.”


“How about a water break then?”


“I need the fan. The weather is so hot.”


“Is that the tram coming?”

“Yes, and off we go!”

11.15AM – Adventure at Rainforest KidzWorld
This must be one of the highlight for the field trip to the Singapore Zoo as the children gained first hand experience in feeding the goats! Yes, the Little Tots were the bravest of the lot as they went up-close to offer the leaves for this group of animals! They kept requested for more, more and more leaves to feed the ‘hungry goats’. How loveable!


“We need to walk a litle further to reach Rainforest KidzWorld.”


“Tian Ming, do you need the umbrella?”


“Let me check if I have an umbrella to share too.”


“It is ok. I love the sun.”


“Me too and I can run very fast.”


“Tian Ming, let me help you.”


“We are at Rainforest KidzWorld after a short walk. Bravo!”


“What animals can we visit here?”


“Seven, can you see the small pony?”


“Yeah, it is so small.”


“Eunice, where have all the horses been to?”


“No idea, let’s go and check out the goats then.”


“What a crowd! Oh! It is feeding time!”


“Can we feed the goats?”


“Desiree, do you want to try feeding the goats?”


“I will go first. Here you go, goats!”


“Ok, it is my turn now.”


“Mama, can you do it together with me?”


“Seven, you can have my turn.”


“Eunice, try it. It is fun feeding the goats.”

12.00PM – Koala Mania at Australia Outback
“G’day mates!” Let us welcome our Australia friends – ‘Chan’, ‘Idalia’, ‘Paddle’ and ‘Pellita’! This last stop (Koala Mania) was one of the most long awaited experience that the children have been asking since they stepped foot into the Singapore Zoo. The little ones were truly excited to see these furry animals, even if it meant that they were just ‘sleeping’! They still spent some time at the air-conditioned enclosure of the ‘koalas’ to observe their behaviour and to exclaim, “So cute!”


“We are going to visit the koalas now!”


“Little Tots, we will reach there in no time.”


“Hurry up!”


“Are we reaching soon, Mama?”


“Hurray! We can see the koalas!”


“Mama, what is the koala doing?”


“Is the koala sleeping?”




“Shhhhh….. don’t wake up the koalas.”


“Ok, we can visit the koalas again when they are awake.”


“Yes, just like me when I am full of energy.”


“Bye bye, koalas!”

12.30PM – Back to Niwa Schoolhouse
As the children walked out of the Zoo with a tired body and a spirited heart, the mini coach was alreay waiting for them at the bay. With some help, the little Niwa-ians boarded the bus and departed the most popular tourist attraction in Singapore – our Zoo. Till the next time then!

If you like us, please kindly help us to click ‘LIKE’ and ‘SHARE’ for us to reach out to more parents who have the same parenting beliefs as us. We would love to meet you personally at Niwa Schoolhouse.

Give us a call at 6908 0855 TODAY!


Seven's Testimonial

Niwa Schoolhouse,


Niwa Schoolhouse现在才刚刚开始起步,相信不久的将来,会有更多的学生,希望老师们能够一如既往的去帮助他们成长。我和安喆的爸爸也会一起支持你们的。谢谢!

安喆的家长                                                                                                       2015年

Happy Racial Harmony Day!

Did you know

It was our FIRST Racial Harmony Day celebration at Niwa Schoolhouse!

Our adorable Niwa-ians (mostly) were cladded in their traditional costumes as they came together to celebrate this occasion with an array of fun, games and yummy delicious food!

With each and every minute passed, the overly enthusiastic Niwa-ians could no longer contain their excitement, so much so, that they left their teachers with little time to transform one of the classrooms into a ‘playground’.


The crowd could hardly wait whilst watching their teachers busied on creating a huge hopscotch with masking tapes and scissors.


<<Revamping in Progress>>


The final touch-up before the kick-start of our inaugural Racial Harmony Celebration.


“Allow me to do a ‘dry run’ before the play commences…..”

Most of us would have fondly remembered those good old days, whereby siblings young and old, spent abundant amount of time yet inexpensive resources to enjoy great deal of fun. From jumping ropes to spinning tops, children within the estate effortlessly gathered around and competed with ‘kakis’ to a game or two.

Are you able to recollect how you used to play these traditional games? What were the rules like?

Let us all take a walk down memory lane as the teachers at Niwa Schoolhouse led the Niwa-ians to some old school games that we all have enjoyed during our childhood days.

Retro Game 1: Ping Pong and Spoon Game

How to Play: To begin, four chairs are placed opposite and parallel to a pair to mark as the starting and turning lines. Players are divided into two teams of four with each team lines up single file behind the starting line. The lead player on each team holds a spoon with one hand carrying the ping pong. Once everybody is in position, the teacher signals, “Ready, get set, go!” and the first runner on each team races to the turning line, drops the ping pong into the tin and hands the spoon over to another teammates. If the ping pong drops, it is picked up before the runner continues with the race. The next runner now moves on to the beginning side and the course is repeated. This goes on until everyone has had a turn to race. The first team to have all its players complete the course is the winner.


Eunice was listening intently to the instructions given by the teacher.


“I need to make sure that the ping pong ball does not drop off from the spoon later.”


“I need to stay focus and balance my ping-pong ball well and steady.”


“One more ping pong ball added into the tin!’


“C’Mon Blossom!”


“Quickly pass me the spoon, Ree!”


“Slow and steady…. I will win the race!”


“Phew~~ My team has finally won after the 3rd attempt.”

Retro Game 2: Hopscotch

How to Play: To begin, the first player stands behind the line at the end of the grid and tries  to toss his ‘cookie’ into the first square. If he succeeds, he begins to hop through the squares, skipping the one he has his marker onWhen he get to the last squares, he must hop in, turn around with another hop and hop his way back in reverse order. When he reaches the square just before the one in which his marker lies, he leans down and picks it up then skips over that square and finishes up.


“Ah-ha! I need to make sure that I don’t step onto my cookie.”


“Where did I last leave the piece of cookie??”


“I am practising to hop on squares for now.”


“I’m so good that I hop like baby Joeys.”


“Finally, it’s Mei Mei’s turn.”


“I can hop independently.”

Retro Game 3: 拼拼看四大种族食物

How to Play: Players are to assemble the Food Jigsaw Puzzles from each ethinic group and guess the name of food from the picture thereafter.


Lao Shi was introducing the four different ethnic groups namely, ‘The Chinese’, ‘The Malays’, ‘The Indians’ and “The Eurasians’.


“I want the cute looking steamed bun!”


“Tricia, would you like some Chwee Kueh?”


“Cayden, these are your favourite chee cheong fun.”


“I couldn’t decide how many roti prate I should eat…..”


“Bloss and Ming, some ondeh ondeh and kueh lapis for you??”


“M for McDonald’s!”


“I can put the two piece jigsaw together too!”


“The image of my favourite food is taking shape.”


“Nom… Nom… Nom… Nom…”


“Jelly first before kueh lapis.”


“Happy Racial Harmony Day!” from all of us at Niwa Schoolhouse!!!

If you like us, please kindly help us to click ‘LIKE’ and ‘SHARE’ for us to reach out to more parents who have the same parenting beliefs as us. We would love to meet you personally at Niwa Schoolhouse.

Give us a call at 6908 0855 TODAY!

草莓奶昔 (Shake, Shake, Strawberry Milkshake!)

草莓奶昔 (Shake, Shake, Strawberry Milkshake!)



As our Little Tots engaged in the story-based learning of the book entitled ‘Handa’s Surprise’, they were gradually introduced to the various fruits, such as ‘avocado’, ‘mango’, ‘guava’, ‘banana’ and ‘strawberry’! To further entice the Niwa-ians’ learning, they blended ‘STRAWBERRY MILKSHAKE’ with the freshest ingredients! Yum, yum yummy!

Handa's Surprise


The teacher first introduced the ingredients to the Niwa-ians, namely ‘strawberries’, ‘milk’, ‘ice-cream’ and ‘ice cubes’. Using most of their 5 senses (touch, sight, smell, and taste), the Niwa-ians spent some time to ‘explore’ the food. They first tasted the ice cubes and exclaimed, “Why is the ice cube so hard?” Some touched the box of the ice-cream and squealed with excitment that it was ‘cold’! While a majority complimented thhat the strawberries were the yummiest that they have ever eaten!



Exploring Ice 2

“Blossom, cold!!!”

Exploring Ice 4

“Shall we share the ice?”

Exploring SB 1

“Ber…. (Strawberry)!”

Sampling SB 1

“Hm……. sour…. “

Sampling SB 2

“My favourite strawberry.”

Sampling SB 3

“Red strawberry (just like my top)!”

Sampling SB 4

“Yummy ice-cream!”

Sampling 1

“One big spoonful for Tricia!”

Sampling 2

“Chocolate….. yum yum!”


“Mei mei’s turn!”


Following next, the Niwa-ians were guided by the teacher to add the ingredients into the eletric blender! One by one, the Niwa-ians worked with the ‘spoon’ as they learnt to scoop the ingredients and pour into the eletric blender without any spillage! That was a great effort for our 2 years old toddlers who have been practicing this skill for a while!

Adding 1

“(I can) help!”

Adding 2

“Tricia can add strawberry.”

Adding 3

“Desiree, well done!”

Adding 4

“Mei Mei likes strawberry.”

Adding 5

“This is too easy for me.”

Adding 6

“And me too.”

Adding 7

“Mei Mei adds milk.”

Adding 8

“Pour the milk.”

Adding 9

“Tricia’s turn now.”

Adding 10

“I probably need to stand to reach.”

Adding 11

“One scoop of ice-cream!”

Adding 12

“(Another scoop of) ice-cream!”

Adding 13

“And another scoop of ice-cream!”

Adding 14

“One final scoop from Mei Mei!”


“Watch that blender!”

Of course, everyone (young and old – teachers) enjoyed a cool cup of ‘Strawberry Milkshake’ to celebrate the wonderful success of this gourmet creation! 3 cheers to our ‘Shake, Shake, Strawberry Milkshake’!

Drinking 1

“My first taste of Strawberry Milkshake!”

Drinking 3

“Hm…… I like.”

Drinking 4

“Seven’s turn to try!”

Drinking 5

“Let me smell it, sweet!”

Drinking 6

“Gobble it down!”

Drinking 2

“Thumb-up for this!”
(Mei Mei gave it a kiss too!)

Please continue to watch this space, as we have a surprise for you!

If you like us, please kindly help us to click ‘LIKE’ and ‘SHARE’ for us to reach out to more parents who have the same parenting beliefs as us. We would love to meet you personally at Niwa Schoolhouse.

Give us a call at 6908 0855 TODAY!

Testimonial from Tricia’s Daddy & Mommy

Tricia's Testimonial

Tricia has started her preschool at her 20 months. Finding the right preschool is often challenging, with several factors to consider including the staff’s qualification, children’s group size and centre environment. Tricia was first enrolled to a preschool @ Woodlands 11 with the attractiveness of an open-space concept centre that provided a spacious environment and more interaction with her peers. However, we withdrew Tricia after a month due to the professionalism of the centre’s staff. The staff were always so busy that they did not volunteer any communication with the parents at all times. Children aged 18 to 20 months will take the longest time to settle when they begin school for the first time, as they are often at the peak of their separation anxiety development. As parents, we would like to receive updates of Tricia’s daily routine activities, but we were so disappointed that the staff were unable to offer such important feedback from time to time.

After exiting the last preschool, we spent some time in our search within the same area again. We finally visited Niwa Schoolhouse and the whole experience at there has been very positive. During the first visit, the staff were very informative and welcomed all of my questions. Henceforth, we chose to enrol Tricia at Niwa Schoolhouse because there is a very open line of communication between staff and parent, the staff themselves are very knowledgeable and understand what each individual child’s needs are, they are very flexible, and there is always a guide and answer for any questions that we have.

At Niwa Schoolhouse, the children are encouraged to express themselves and they get the chance to attempt a lot of crafts and hands-on learning experiences. Since Tricia attended Niwa Schoolhouse, we have seen significant improvements in terms of her speech, expression and interaction skills. We are also very satisfied with the Weekly Update of the curriculum conducted, as well as the detailed update of child’s learning progress via the Communication Book, at least several times a week, in both English & Chinese languages.

Thank you for caring after Tricia and making sure that her learning journey has been fun! Tricia is very fortunate to have a good start in her preschool education. She will certainly excel with such strong foundation that she has received from Niwa Schoolhouse. It is the personal attention to each child that has given her the confidence to proceed to the next step. Tricia loves being at Niwa Schoolhouse and that, of course, puts our mind at ease while we are at work. Great job!

Tricia’s Daddy & Mommy

Testimonial from Eunice’s Daddy and Mommy

Eunice Testimonial

Eunice started her first childcare when she was 3 years 4 months in December 2014. We had researched for a few childcare centres, and we finally decided to enrol her in a childcare at Woodlands 11. It was an open-concept childcare centre. Eunice had been very excited when we brought her for enrolment and we thought that she would enjoy her time there. However, things did not progress as we had expected. Our nightmare came on her first day of school where she kept crying and refusing to take an afternoon nap in school. We initially thought that was a transition period, but the same situation continued for 1 month. We also found out that Eunice was always waking up from nightmares and told us that she did not want to go to school. At times, Eunice even cried during wee hours of the morning. We were so heart-broken that she was not able to take a good nap during this period. Therefore, we let her sleep early at night and readjusted our night time activities.

After 1 month of struggle, we decided to search for a new childcare center in Woodlands and we were invited to attend Niwa Schoolhouse’s Open House. During her first visit, Eunice enjoyed herself so much! Niwa Schoolhouse is a classroom-based school and we observed that this type of set-up provides a better learning environment as the children get to enjoy a quieter learning environment. We then enrolled Eunice to start school at Niwa Schoolhouse after much consideration.

From February 2015, Eunice started her schooling at Niwa Schoolhouse. It was such a drastic change for her. Now, Eunice enjoys going to school every day, and learns beyond the curriculum of a typical preschooler. Most importantly, Eunice naps between 2 to 3 hours independently now. During Eunice’s stay at Niwa Schoolhouse, we are very pleased with exceptional and highly qualified educators who put their heart and soul into ensuring the children learn in a safe and supportive environment. The educators also demonstrated great care, concern and kindness for each individual child. We personally witnessed how much effort the teachers had put in to develop my girl’s knowledge, while instilling confidence, the love for learning and reading, good social skills, moral principles and proper behaviours. We feel totally confident in the school’s development of my child. We are very grateful to Niwa Schoolhouse for providing the environment and opportunity for my girl to form strong bonds of friendship with their classmates.

I am also particularly impressed with Niwa Schoolhouse’s daily learning programmes that expose Eunice to a wide variety of experiences, such as ‘Project-Based Learning’, ‘Letterland Phonics’, ‘Numeracy’, ‘Chinese’, as well as variety of hands-on activities, including handicrafts, cookery class, outings and many more. I would recommend Niwa Schoolhouse to any parent who are keen to help their child in developing confidence, strong learning habits, good manners, creativity and friendships.

Special thanks to Ms. Angeline & Laoshi for the detailed Weekly Updates, so that we are able to catch up on Eunice’s learning in school. Thank you to all staff at Niwa Schoolhouse for making it such a fantastic preschool!

Cheers,                                                                                                           Eunice’s Daddy & Mommy