Happy Racial Harmony Day!

Did you know

It was our FIRST Racial Harmony Day celebration at Niwa Schoolhouse!

Our adorable Niwa-ians (mostly) were cladded in their traditional costumes as they came together to celebrate this occasion with an array of fun, games and yummy delicious food!

With each and every minute passed, the overly enthusiastic Niwa-ians could no longer contain their excitement, so much so, that they left their teachers with little time to transform one of the classrooms into a ‘playground’.


The crowd could hardly wait whilst watching their teachers busied on creating a huge hopscotch with masking tapes and scissors.


<<Revamping in Progress>>


The final touch-up before the kick-start of our inaugural Racial Harmony Celebration.


“Allow me to do a ‘dry run’ before the play commences…..”

Most of us would have fondly remembered those good old days, whereby siblings young and old, spent abundant amount of time yet inexpensive resources to enjoy great deal of fun. From jumping ropes to spinning tops, children within the estate effortlessly gathered around and competed with ‘kakis’ to a game or two.

Are you able to recollect how you used to play these traditional games? What were the rules like?

Let us all take a walk down memory lane as the teachers at Niwa Schoolhouse led the Niwa-ians to some old school games that we all have enjoyed during our childhood days.

Retro Game 1: Ping Pong and Spoon Game

How to Play: To begin, four chairs are placed opposite and parallel to a pair to mark as the starting and turning lines. Players are divided into two teams of four with each team lines up single file behind the starting line. The lead player on each team holds a spoon with one hand carrying the ping pong. Once everybody is in position, the teacher signals, “Ready, get set, go!” and the first runner on each team races to the turning line, drops the ping pong into the tin and hands the spoon over to another teammates. If the ping pong drops, it is picked up before the runner continues with the race. The next runner now moves on to the beginning side and the course is repeated. This goes on until everyone has had a turn to race. The first team to have all its players complete the course is the winner.


Eunice was listening intently to the instructions given by the teacher.


“I need to make sure that the ping pong ball does not drop off from the spoon later.”


“I need to stay focus and balance my ping-pong ball well and steady.”


“One more ping pong ball added into the tin!’


“C’Mon Blossom!”


“Quickly pass me the spoon, Ree!”


“Slow and steady…. I will win the race!”


“Phew~~ My team has finally won after the 3rd attempt.”

Retro Game 2: Hopscotch

How to Play: To begin, the first player stands behind the line at the end of the grid and tries  to toss his ‘cookie’ into the first square. If he succeeds, he begins to hop through the squares, skipping the one he has his marker onWhen he get to the last squares, he must hop in, turn around with another hop and hop his way back in reverse order. When he reaches the square just before the one in which his marker lies, he leans down and picks it up then skips over that square and finishes up.


“Ah-ha! I need to make sure that I don’t step onto my cookie.”


“Where did I last leave the piece of cookie??”


“I am practising to hop on squares for now.”


“I’m so good that I hop like baby Joeys.”


“Finally, it’s Mei Mei’s turn.”


“I can hop independently.”

Retro Game 3: 拼拼看四大种族食物

How to Play: Players are to assemble the Food Jigsaw Puzzles from each ethinic group and guess the name of food from the picture thereafter.


Lao Shi was introducing the four different ethnic groups namely, ‘The Chinese’, ‘The Malays’, ‘The Indians’ and “The Eurasians’.


“I want the cute looking steamed bun!”


“Tricia, would you like some Chwee Kueh?”


“Cayden, these are your favourite chee cheong fun.”


“I couldn’t decide how many roti prate I should eat…..”


“Bloss and Ming, some ondeh ondeh and kueh lapis for you??”


“M for McDonald’s!”


“I can put the two piece jigsaw together too!”


“The image of my favourite food is taking shape.”


“Nom… Nom… Nom… Nom…”


“Jelly first before kueh lapis.”


“Happy Racial Harmony Day!” from all of us at Niwa Schoolhouse!!!

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