
With all the Renowned Celebrities at Madame Tussauds Singapore

During young children’s early years, it is imperative to instill a positive attitude towards learning and encourage them to always look forward to many learning experienes in their daily lives.

In the past weeks of Term 4, the older Niwa-ians had ‘travelled’ to different parts of the World in their ‘jet plane’. In fact, they were actually looking forward to a field trip that promised them a ‘flight’ to one of the countries that they had shared and discovered with such great interest! Imagine that!

Finally, the decision was made to take a tour to ‘Madame Tussauds Singapore’. The Niwa-ians were going to ‘meet-and-greet’ the World’s well-known celebrities from different countries!

This was even better than taking the ‘plane’ to just 1 country. The Niwa-ians were going to have the ‘WORLD’ to come to them in their home ground. Absolutely brilliant!

“Good morning Niwa explorers, we are going to Madame Tussauds Singapore. Are you ready?”

“Yes, we are.”

“We are ready too.”

“Ever ready.”

Here we went onto our 7-seater MPV ‘Spacer’!

“All buckled up.”

“Time to set off to Madame Tussauds Singapore.”

To the Niwa-ians’ delight, they even enjoyed a boat ride before their entrance to the famous wax museum.

This is so fun and adventurous.”

Let the Niwa-ians start their ‘World Tour’ at their homeland – Singapore! Who did you think they have met?

Singapre’s First President – Yusof Bin Ishak

Ms. Angeline, I have seen him before.”

I know, his face is printed on the Singapore dollar notes.”

“When my papa gave me the $10-dollar note, I saw him.”

Singapore’s First Prime Minister and His Wife – Lee Kuan Yew and Kwa Geok Choo

“Our founding father!”

“The flowers are so nice.”

Singapore’s Second Prime Minister – Goh Chok Tong

Ms. Angeline, he shares the same family name as you.”

Singapore’s Current Prime Minister – Lee Hsien Loong

I know him. He is Mr. Lee Hsien Loong.”

“Mr. Lee Hsien Loong is Mr. Lee Kuan Yew’s son.”

Singapore’s Well-known Celebrity – Gurmit Singh

“Is he Mr. Phua Chu Kang?”


“Mr. Phua Chu Kang is a contractor in the local sitcom.”

Singapore’s Well-known Celebrity – Zoe Tay

“Ms. Angeline, do you like Zoe Tay?”

I want to be a director when I grow up.”

“I will be a producer for the TV shows.”

“Let me try to see how the buttons work!”

“Cayden, you need to push this button to increase the volume.”

Believe it or not! The Niwa-ians went on their way to this amazing country – ‘United States of America’ and they have arrived safely!

U.S.A.’s Current President – Barack Obama

“Hello, Mr. President. How is your day?”

“I wonder what does a President do? Do they need to give speeches?”

U.S.A.’s King of Rock and Roll – Elvis Presley 

“I want to be the ‘King of Rock and Roll’ like Elvis Presley.”

U.S.A.’s King of Pop – Michael Jackson

“I want to be the Queen of Pop!”

IMG_0906Can I join you, Eunice? I am good at playing the drums too.”

“I will join you girls too and I am the new King of Pop!”

U.S.A.’s Professional Golfer – Tiger Woods

One day, I will be as good as Tiger Woods.”

“Let me try to learn holding a golf club first.”

“I am going to putt the golf ball into the hole.”

“I can remember this from my last field trip to LilliPutt.”

“I think I need Uncle Matt’s help again.”

U.S.A.’s Hollywood Superstars – Tom Cruise and Johnny Depp

My mama said he is handsome.”

“I love Johnny Depp’s movies.”

Can you guess where the Niwa-ians’ next destination will be? Will it be ……………….

United Kingdom? Yes! Bingo!

Queen of the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand – Queen Elizabeth II

“It is certainly our honour to meet you.”

“I hope to see you in England soon.”

United Kingdom’s Celebrity Soccer Player – David Beckham

David Beckham is so handsome.”

“I have to agree with you, Zi Qi.”

“Let’s go to United Kingdom and meet him.”

“Ok, we should go and practice our soccer skills first.”

“Let me teach you how to score a goal.”

“It is my turn now. Watch me score!”

    This ‘World Tour’ is really getting even more exciting with China (and Hong Kong) as the next stop. The Niwa-ians are all geared up for some sporting fun!

China’s Sport Celebrity – Yao Ming

My goodness, Yao Ming is 2.29m tall.”

“Do you think I can get the basketball into the hoop?”

“Let me try. I can jump very high.”

“Look! The basketball is going into the hoop!”

“Maybe I can dribble the basketball first before throwing.”

“Yes! I can do it!”

China (Hong Kong)’s Kung-Fu Superstar – Jackie Chan

“Let me try to pose like Jackie Chan.”

“Look at my powerful side kick!”

Boys, how do I do this?”

“Come Eunice, let me show you.”


Now, the time has come for the Niwa-ians to head back. What a ‘journey’ for all of us!

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Day-Out to Singapore Changi Airport

Let the Niwa-ians tell you a story, a story about a school day of Niwa Schoolhouse that was filled with so much fun, laughter and joy.

“We are going to Singapore Changi Airport. Niwa-ians, are you ready?”

Boys at NiwaThe boys exclaimed, “Hurray! Yes!”

Girls at Niwa

The girls replied, “Us too!”
And they offered their brightest smile for the camera.

At the Door

The photographer said, “Let’s go!”

The team took a group photograph at the entrance of Niwa Schoolhouse before boarding the bus.

Pair 1 on the Bus

“Let’s hold hands!”

Teacher and Child

“Yeah, we are going to Singapore Changi Airport!”

Pair 2 on the Bus

“We can hardly wait to reach Singapore Changi Airport.”

On the Bus 1

“I like going on the big bus.”

On the Bus 2

“I am able to buckle the seat belt by myself.”

On the Bus 3

“I am a big boy now. I can sit by myself.”

“Vroom, vroom and off we go!”

During the bus ride, the Niwa-ians were tasked with a ‘mission’ that was to search for a list of pictures from a checklist, such as the ‘Flight Information Board’, the ‘runway’ and the ‘aeroplanes’.

Finally, the Niwa-ians and the teachers arrived at Singapore Changi Airport’s Terminal 3 after a 30 minutes journey. They were all geared up to start their adventure once they stepped foot into the ‘Arrival Hall’.

Here you go

“We can go this way to find the ‘check-in counters’.

Taking a lift

“How about taking a lift to the ‘Departure Hall’ first?”

Traffic Lights Fun

“We are right beside the ‘check-in counters’.”

Here is a tick to that

“Remember we saw the ‘Control Tower’ on our way here?”

I can find it

“I have found the ‘Flight Information Board’ right up there.”

Another one found

“Buddy, look! We are at the ‘Departure Hall’ right now.”

Check again

“Where can I find the conveyor belt?”

Conveyer Belt

“I found it.”


“Let’s take a rest. We are tired from all the walking.”


“Me too.”

Arrived at T3

“And me.”

At the Pole

“I am not and I can still continue our adventure.”


“Look at all the luggages moving on the conveyor belt.”

At the Viewing Gallery

“We need to find the ‘runway’ and the ‘aeroplanes’ soon.”

On a mission

“Finally, we have completed the ‘mission’.”

It was time for the rewards where the Niwa-ians were invited to the playground for some good physical fun! Yippe!

At PG 1

“Do you want to join me?”

At PG 2

“Sure, let me walk down the stairs.”

At PG 3

“I will wait for you here.”

At PG 5

“Here I come!”

At PG 4

“Hello from the bridge!”

At PG 10

“I can spy you.”

At PG 13

“Where are you?”

At PG 9

“I am playing with the see-saw.”

At PG 7

“I like playing with see-saw, let’s go!”

At PG 6

“Can I have a turn too please?”

At PG 11

“Ok, I am coming too.”

At PG 8

“I need to do this slowly.”

At PG 12

“Where did you say you were?”

At PG 14

“We are here and we are ready to eat our lunch.”

Soon, the Niwa-ians were famished from the exercises and they requested to have their lunch. Just then, the airport prams were in sight and the Little Tots got just lucky to enjoy a ride.

In the Pram 1

“I am the lucky girl.”

In the Pram 2

“I love the ride.”

In the Pram 3

“Can I come down now?”

At McDonald’s, the Niwa-ians were treated to a special ‘Happy Meal’ that comes with a surprise toy, a nugget set, some fries and corn cups for sharing. No wonder the little ones finished up the goodies in no time.


“I love the corn cup. It is so healthy.”


“Second nugget and it will be finished in a few mouthfuls.”


“I agree for the nuggets are so delicious.”


“The nuggets with ketchup is a must for me.”


“The Ribena drink is awesome.”


“I love yummy corn cup.”


“Want to share my fries?”


“Yes, please.”


A happy photo to express the simple joy in life!

MCD 10

“So tired. I could actually sleep.”

So, the Niwa-ians headed back to their Niwa Schoolhouse after an eventful field trip to Singapore Changi Airport. They were all tired but happy.

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