
Planting; Heal the Soul and Mind

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Research has revealed that the environment around us could either increase or reduce our stress. Our mood change according to what we see, hear and experience and thus affects our mind.

The stress of an unpleasant environment can cause more harm than good to our health but pleasing environment reverses that.

Regardless of age or culture, humans find nature pleasing. Here at Niwa Schoolhouse, we choose planting in our very own ‘Urban Greens’ to have the nature effect indoor.

When the Niwa-ians did the planting in May, we found that they enjoyed it despite having to touch the soil with their hands. Could this be therapeutic? We tried and it really does! When you go step by step in planting the seedlings from MicroGreens, somehow, you forget about the busy day ahead. Next you anticipate the seedlings to germinate and grow into full grown pea shoot where they will be food on our plate.

Looking at the plant growing a little every day with the help from our Niwa-ians, watering the plant and crowding around the area to shower them with love, the plant grow healthily. Not only the plant grow healthily, our mind are growing healthily too. This is one of the way we relief our stress in Niwa.


Planting Greens With Mommies and a Dad


 Good morning, boys and girls, Daddies and Mummies! Welcome to Niwa Schoolhouse’s Urban Greens Parenting Workshop!

Set-up 1

“Say hello to the ‘dou miao’ and the ‘sunflowers’!”

Set-up 2

“We are ready to open our doors and welcome our parents!”

Family 1

“Good morning, Eunice and Vernice!”

Family 2

“Our little Desiree with Mom and Dad!”

Family 3

“When we asked Tricia to smile for the camera?”

Family 4

“Our hero and most capable helper for the day!”

Family 6

“Lucky Tian Ming with two teachers to assist him.”

Family 8

“Hello there!”

Family 5

“We are ready to start planting!”

Observing 1

“Tricia, look at the ‘dou miao’!”

Observing 2

“I want to touch too.”

Observing 3

“Eunice, can you see the seeds here?”

Listening 4

“Ms. Khai Lin, I don’t believe we can eat the ‘dou miao’ raw.”

Sampling 2

“Auntie Nicole was the first to try!”

Sampling 5


Sampling 3

“We just put them into our mouth.”

Sampling 6

“Come, daddy. I feed you.”

Sampling 7

“Tricia, want a bite too?”

“For the less-adventurous ones, they are still learning how to consume fresh vegetables on the go!”

Now, let us get started on the planting of the ‘Microgreens’!

Adding PM 1

“Tricia, do you remember the peat moss?”

Adding PM 3

“It is Desiree’s turn now.”

Adding PM 2

“Tian Ming, feel the peat moss.”

Adding PM 6

“Vernice, do you like peat moss?”

Patting PM 2

“Help, my hand is dirty! Never mind then. “

Adding Water 1

“Let me add some water now.”

Adding Water 4

“I can do it by myself, Mommy.”

Adding Water 3

“I need some help here.”

Adding Water 2

“This is easy-peasy.”

Adding Seeds 4

“Let the planting starts now.”

Adding Seeds 3

“How many seeds shall I add?”

Adding Seeds 2

“Mom said I can add 25 seeds.”

Adding Seeds 6

“I cannot count 25 seeds yet. I will just add randomly.”

Adding Seeds 7

“We can do it!”

Adding Seeds 5

“Mommy and Daddy, can I pour?”

Patting 3

“Giving it some loving pats before covering the box.”

Now, we just have to wait and greet the plants in 2 days when the shoots start appearing!

Give us a call today at 6908 0855 or email us at

Welcome to Urban Greens!

In conjunction with Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution, Niwa Schoolhouse embarked on a new community project titled as ‘Urban Greens’, together with Microgreenssg and The Healing Concierge as our partners.

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15 May 2015 marked the first plant-in of the Microgreens seedlings for our Niwa-ians. Within the school campus of Niwa Schoolhouse, we made space to create a very special growing station that promises abundant sunlight for the plants. What a brilliant way of shouting “Planting in the Garden”, as Niwa means ‘garden’ in the Japanese language.

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We are also very privileged to have Ms. Khai Lin from Microgreenssg to personally demonstrate the planting process of the unique seeds of the sunflower and the pea plant. To our great amazement, the older children were excited to be involved in a discussion about the conditions for the seeds to germinate.

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The hands-on planting experience proved to be a great learning point for the little ones to explore with peat-moss soil, as they love to ‘pat’ the soil with tender loving touches to set a good foundation bed for the micro-seedlings. Furthermore, the children love to use the water spray bottle in watering the seedlings. It simply amazed them as they observed the process.

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Now, the micro-seedlings are well-rested into their ‘bed’ and the children have been tasked with the responsibility of watering them twice a day. Read on to find out more. Continue reading