Testimonial from Eunice’s Daddy and Mommy

Eunice Testimonial

Eunice started her first childcare when she was 3 years 4 months in December 2014. We had researched for a few childcare centres, and we finally decided to enrol her in a childcare at Woodlands 11. It was an open-concept childcare centre. Eunice had been very excited when we brought her for enrolment and we thought that she would enjoy her time there. However, things did not progress as we had expected. Our nightmare came on her first day of school where she kept crying and refusing to take an afternoon nap in school. We initially thought that was a transition period, but the same situation continued for 1 month. We also found out that Eunice was always waking up from nightmares and told us that she did not want to go to school. At times, Eunice even cried during wee hours of the morning. We were so heart-broken that she was not able to take a good nap during this period. Therefore, we let her sleep early at night and readjusted our night time activities.

After 1 month of struggle, we decided to search for a new childcare center in Woodlands and we were invited to attend Niwa Schoolhouse’s Open House. During her first visit, Eunice enjoyed herself so much! Niwa Schoolhouse is a classroom-based school and we observed that this type of set-up provides a better learning environment as the children get to enjoy a quieter learning environment. We then enrolled Eunice to start school at Niwa Schoolhouse after much consideration.

From February 2015, Eunice started her schooling at Niwa Schoolhouse. It was such a drastic change for her. Now, Eunice enjoys going to school every day, and learns beyond the curriculum of a typical preschooler. Most importantly, Eunice naps between 2 to 3 hours independently now. During Eunice’s stay at Niwa Schoolhouse, we are very pleased with exceptional and highly qualified educators who put their heart and soul into ensuring the children learn in a safe and supportive environment. The educators also demonstrated great care, concern and kindness for each individual child. We personally witnessed how much effort the teachers had put in to develop my girl’s knowledge, while instilling confidence, the love for learning and reading, good social skills, moral principles and proper behaviours. We feel totally confident in the school’s development of my child. We are very grateful to Niwa Schoolhouse for providing the environment and opportunity for my girl to form strong bonds of friendship with their classmates.

I am also particularly impressed with Niwa Schoolhouse’s daily learning programmes that expose Eunice to a wide variety of experiences, such as ‘Project-Based Learning’, ‘Letterland Phonics’, ‘Numeracy’, ‘Chinese’, as well as variety of hands-on activities, including handicrafts, cookery class, outings and many more. I would recommend Niwa Schoolhouse to any parent who are keen to help their child in developing confidence, strong learning habits, good manners, creativity and friendships.

Special thanks to Ms. Angeline & Laoshi for the detailed Weekly Updates, so that we are able to catch up on Eunice’s learning in school. Thank you to all staff at Niwa Schoolhouse for making it such a fantastic preschool!

Cheers,                                                                                                           Eunice’s Daddy & Mommy