Welcome to Urban Greens!

In conjunction with Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution, Niwa Schoolhouse embarked on a new community project titled as ‘Urban Greens’, together with Microgreenssg and The Healing Concierge as our partners.

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15 May 2015 marked the first plant-in of the Microgreens seedlings for our Niwa-ians. Within the school campus of Niwa Schoolhouse, we made space to create a very special growing station that promises abundant sunlight for the plants. What a brilliant way of shouting “Planting in the Garden”, as Niwa means ‘garden’ in the Japanese language.

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We are also very privileged to have Ms. Khai Lin from Microgreenssg to personally demonstrate the planting process of the unique seeds of the sunflower and the pea plant. To our great amazement, the older children were excited to be involved in a discussion about the conditions for the seeds to germinate.

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The hands-on planting experience proved to be a great learning point for the little ones to explore with peat-moss soil, as they love to ‘pat’ the soil with tender loving touches to set a good foundation bed for the micro-seedlings. Furthermore, the children love to use the water spray bottle in watering the seedlings. It simply amazed them as they observed the process.

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Now, the micro-seedlings are well-rested into their ‘bed’ and the children have been tasked with the responsibility of watering them twice a day. Read on to find out more. Continue reading